Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 12, 1.12.11, Olympia

Well, today it's Olympia, one of the major contender in the hipster-chic pisswater race. Remember though that with Oly, "It's the Water". So, you know... It's got that going for it. I'm having a late night bite at Rudy's again, and it's the only beer they have that I haven't.
And I gotta say, it's really not too bad. As with anything, it really has to be judged on what it's trying to be, and this is trying to be a cheap domestic light lager in a can. It's light, although not as light as PBR and certainly darker than Coors light. (Which I believe was the most recent beer In this category I drank. Probably at a party. Drinking games may have been involved.)
On the nose is not much. A little yeasty lager aroma. It's crystal clear and amber/yellow. On the palate it's quite smooth. Easy to drink. There's a very tiny bit of hop bitterness detected, but what's there seems a bit citrusy with a touch of pepper
I'm kind of surprised at how much I like this beer. It's well suited for the I-just-got-off-work-and-I-want-to-pound-a-brew mindset. And it's certainly not the best beer I've ever had, but it delivers what it promises and judging I on that, not bad. 6 out of 10.

Also, it was ONE DOLLAR.  Certainly better that some beers I've payed eight times as much for.
FYI when a beer is ONE DOLLAR you still tip the bartender ONE DOLLAR.  Just sayin'...

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