Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 26, 1.26.11, De Ranke - XX Bitter

Often when I tell people that I'm writing a blog about trying new beers each day, their first question is "so, what's your favorite beer so far?".  And being the diplomatic (indecisive?) beer drinker that I am, I'm forced to tell them about how hard it is to choose just one, and that some of my favorites have been blah blah blah... 
With all that said, XX Bitter is my favorite beer I've tried this year*.
The bottle calls this 'Belgium's Hoppiest Beer'.  Whether that is true or not, no more do I know than care.  But I will say this, De Ranke's XX Bitter is an absolutely lovely, beautiful, Belgian golden IPA. 
From the bottle it pours light golden and very hazy.  The nose is a complex blend of citrus, floral and  spicy aromas.
On the palate, it's certainly hoppy and certainly bitter with an incredible lingering finish.   But it is very nicely integrated into an easy drinking, lively beer. 

If I had to choose a single adjective to discribe this beer, it would have to be 'lovely'.  It's simply a lovely, near perfect beer.  Drink one. 9 out of 10.

*Note that I did not call it my favorite beer.  My own internal jury is still out on that one and will not likely reach a verdict before I head to that great Pub in the sky.

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